Permaculture design course in Croatia, September 2014

This September, island of Zlarin will host 72-hours Permaculture design course (PDC). If you think of attending an international permaculture course, and visiting Adriatic coast this summer too, this is a chance to connect both.

In late September, the tourist season on Zlarin is mostly finished, so visitors can enjoy perfect weather and the sea, on a very quiet island. Centuries old tradition of coral harvesting on the island existed due to very clean sea. Another curiosity is that Zlarin is one of several Croatian car-free islands. Boat trip from nearby historic town of Šibenik takes 30 minutes.

Croatia is a good place to learn permaculture: though there aren't many developed projects yet, this country has one of most vital and fastest growing permaculture scenes in Europe, mostly thanks to education scheme. Some of leading Croatian teachers will give lectures and workshops at Zlarin course, it is educator's group with close to 10 years of experience. This PDC offers a certificate, the language is English, with possible German translation provided.
As always with PDC, the main focus is on redesigning a living spaces into self-sustainable systems.

During 10 days, the course covers:
- introduction - 5 elements / 5 catastrophes, what is the present state of environment and society,
- basic permaculture principles - zones, sectors, patterns, landscape reading,
- soil and plants - analysis and methods for soil improvement, composting, mulching, gardening,
- water management - harvesting, recycling, reed beds, compost toilet, aquaculture,
- sustainable housing and building techniques,
- energy solutions for small systems,
- organization - urban permaculture, alternative economy, alternative decision making, sustainable communities.
During the last three days of the course, participants will design their own future projects. Daily schedule will leave enough free time for discovering the island.

Accommodation is provided in private apartments, with two meals per day included. Price of September PDC at Zlarin (10 days course, education and accommodation) is 430 euros.
The course will take place between 19th and 28th September 2014.
Number of participants is limited, reservations are accepted until 5th September. For more information please send email to <>